Tag: Wien

Kultursommer 2021 / Wien

03.07. – 15.08.2021. CULTURE THAT TASTES EVERYONE - culture as food for an entire city.Culture that cannot be bypassed. This isthe essence of the...

Angewandte Festival

29.06. – 02.07.2021. City becomes art! And it is not only buzzing at Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz! For three years now, the current academic year has culminated in...

Kino wie noch nie 2021 / Augartenspitz, Wien

01.07. – 29.08.2021. The Filmarchiv Austria and the Viennale present the open-air cinema at Augartenspitz. This year, tributes to Frances McDormand and the Polish...

Dotdotdot ’21 / Volkskundemuseum, Wien

25.07. – 24.08.2021. The open air short film festival dotdotdot opens its doors: the festival in the cozy Kino Garten at the Volkskundemuseum in...

Kino am Dach ’21 / Hauptbücherei, Wien

01.07. – 19.09.2021. Balmy cinema summer nights under the open sky: The summer open air cinema on the roof on the main library takes place....

“Pick mich auf” / Werk X Petersplatz, Wien

23.06. – 01.07.2021. Between performance, music and object theater: Werk X Petersplatz presents a world premiere entitled "Pick mich auf". Production, text and staging...

Slash ½ Mini-Filmfestival 2021 / Filmcasino, Wien

17.06. – 20.06.2021. From sci-fi thrillers to splatter movies, the festival of fantastic film does not leave its visitors cold. For example, when an...

„Recht herzliche Grüße vom Ende der Welt“ / Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, Wien

10.06. – 10.12.2021. H.C. Artmann as an eternal traveller: photographs, life documents and correspondence, as well as works from the estate library, bear witness...

Viennapride 2021 / Wien

07. – 20.06.2021. "After a year under the sign of Corona, the LGBTIQ community celebrates its first comeback with Vienna Pride 2021 and the...

Frühlingskino / Wien

19.05. – 27.06.2021. EIN BISSCHEN BLEIBEN WIR NOCH, DIE DOHNAL, HOCHWALD, WAREN EINMAL REVOLUZZER and QUO VADIS, AIDA - numerous titles nominated for the...


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