Tag: Wien

Waves Vienna 2021 / Wien

09. – 12.09.2021. Discover new music acts and learn new and interesting things about the music industry, that's what you can do at Waves...

Volkmar Klien: Anschwellen – Abschwellen (Swelling – Decongestion) / Oberes Belvedere, Wien

29.09.2021 - 6.02.2022. The sound takes up space - like the peacock wheel rises. And in the same way it disappears again. Volkmar Klien has always...

Architektur.Film.Sommer 2021 / AzW, Wien

04. - 25.08.2021. The Architektur.Fillm.Sommer presents films and new discoveries on the topic of soil consumption in rural and urban areas. The open-air festival invites...


24.09. – 03.10.2021. The aim of the Vienna Design Week is to convey content easily, as well as to maintain the professional discourse. Creation...

Overground Resistance / MuseumsQuartier, Wien

26.08. – 21.11.2021. Es brennen die Wälder! Es brennThe forests are on fire! It burns! It burns! Oliver Ressler is an artist, who has been consistently...

Ode to Slowness / Künstlerhaus, Wien

08.07. – 29.08.2021. Move in space with your body and with time! The bicycle as a synonym for an economical and ecological way of getting around...

Calle Libre 2021 – Festival for Urban Aesthetics / Vienna

02.08. – 08.08.2021. The street - a celebration! When public space is not just a passageway, but becomes a place to stay and is taken up...

O-Töne – Literature Festival / Museumsquartier, Wien

08.07. – 26.08.2021. Reputation meets debut! This exciting compilation of literary positions in Austrian literature is what characterizes O-Töne, the literature festival in the Museumsquartier. The...

Afrika Tage 2021 / Donauinsel, Wien

16.07. – 02.08.2021. African lifestyle, music, dance, percussion, lectures, readings, workshops, culinary delights and much more - all this awaits visitors to the Afrika...

Tatiana Bilbao Estudio / AZW, Wien

19.08.21 – 17.01.2022. Carried by poetry: the AZW presents for the first time in Austria the working methods and philosophy of the Mexican architect...


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