Tag: Wien

This Human World 2021 / Online, Vienna

06. – 12.12.2021. For humanity in our human world! This year the International Human Rights Film Festival will take place in Vienna for the 14th time. For...

Vienna Art Week 2021: Losing Control

12. – 19.11.2021. Is there an art response to the loss of control? The Vienna Art Week is taking place for the 17th time this year...

Mirjam Baker: Staub / Kunstforum Wien

03.10. – 21.11.2021. Dust and color! Austrian artist Mirjam Baker immerses the tresor at Kunstforum Wien in color(s). In the twelve sequences of the installation Dust, the...

Blickfang Wien / MAK, Wien

15. – 17.10.2021. "A design evokes three reactions - Yes, No, and WOW!" (Milton Glaser) The innovative are coming together again at the MAK in Vienna....

Tricky Women/Tricky Realities 2022

09. – 13.03.2022. Feminist, diverse, passionate: Since 2001, Tricky Women/Tricky Realities has been committed to making artistic animated film by women* visible. This orientation is...

Wolfgang Tillmans: Schall ist flüssig / MUMOK, Wien

27.11.2021 – 24.04.2022. The pop star of photography is coming to Vienna! Wolfgang Tillmans is one of the German photo artists, who made photography big in...

Ines Doujak: Geistervölker / Kunsthalle Wien

01. – 16.10.2021.  "The ghosts I called / I won't get rid of now". Looking back at recent human history, there are quite a few events...

Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic* & Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski / Kunsthalle Wien

22.10.2021 – 06.03.2022. Art - Artist - Culture! Curator Anne Faucheret has invited two female artists to show their works at Kunsthalle Wien. Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic* explores...

Viennale ’21

Capturing Time in Images and Words - Viennale '21 devotes itself to subversion. "The subversive power of cinema still has the power to influence our...

Liquid Borders – Internationale Literaturdialoge

Wo der Dialog beginnt, sind Grenzen im Fluss. Literatur ist keine Einbahnstraße: Das war der Grundgedanke für das Projekt „Internationale Literaturdialoge“, das von der Sektion...


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