Tag: Wien

40 Jahre Fotogalerie Wien / Fotogalerie Wien, WUK, Wien

22.11.2021 – 15.01.2022. 40 artists - 40 works - 40 events Looking back - looking around - looking to the future 1981 was the year of photography....

Do Nothing, Feel Everything / Kunsthalle Wien, Karlsplatz, Wien

18.11.2021 – 20.02.2022. „Do Everything. Feel Nothing“ is the promise of tampon advertising. Insensitivity is more than symptomatic of our time. The inversion of the slogan...

Josef Hoffmann: Fortschritt durch Schönheit / MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst, Wien

15.12.2021 – 19.06.2022. Design goes right down to the last detail! In a comprehensive retrospective, the Vienna Museum of Applied Arts shows the enormous life's work...

Huang Po-Chih: Blue Elephant / MUMOK, Wien

27.11.2021 – 27.02.2022.           Formosa - beautiful island! What has become of you? How economic power interests can affect a society can be well observed in the...

Martin Noël: Essentials – Von der Entdeckung der Linie zum Objekt / Albertina, Wien

11.12.2021 – 20.02.2022. Line, surface, object! Immersed in color! The Albertina is showing works by Martin Noël in an extensive show that will provide an overview...

Wintergarten im MQ / MQ – Museumsquartier, Wien

04.11.2021 – 09.01.2022. Der Winterhimmel spannt sich über den Hof und er wird zum Wintergarten! Mit Kunstprojekten für das Auge und das Ohr präsentiert sich...

Österreichische Auslandskultur auf der Buch Wien 2021

10. – 14.11.2021. Bringing books to the world! Literature in particular has its own program dedicated to it in the BMEIA's Section for International Cultural Affairs. This...

100 Beste Plakate 20 (100 of the Best Posters): Germany Austria Switzerland / MAK...

17.11.2021 – 06.02.2022. The art of designing a poster! For the 16th time, the MAK - the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna is showing the...

Buch Wien 2021 / Wien

10. – 14.11.2021. Reading - a celebration! Books invite you to enter a world that exists in oneshead and touches the heart. At this year's Buch...


25. – 30.05.2022. Here we go! Deadline January 5, 2022! The submission deadline for Vienna Shorts 2022 is set, the submission portals are open! Submission link: https://www.viennashorts.com/branche/einreichungen The...


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