Tag: Wien

“Europe’s best Buildings” / Architekturzentrum Wien

23.08. – 22.10.2018; Vienna. For the first time, housing developments are the focus of the European Union Prize for Contemporary. The Mies van der Rohe Award...

“popfest” / Vienna 2018

26.07. - 29.07.2018; Vienna. Mavi Phoenix, Kreisky, Hearts Hearts, Naked Lunch, Lupin, Ran, ... Austrian music that shall be seen and heard. According to this years...

“SOS Brutalismus” / Architekturzentrum Wien

03.05. - 06.08.2018; Wien. Save the Concrete Monsters! Are they really that ugly? “Basically, the history of Brutalism is one big misunderstanding.”, says Sonja Pisarik, one...

“falkeis2architects” / MAK; Wien

06.06. - 29.07.2018; Wien. active energy building. falkeis2architects consider innovation the best strategy to meet the challenges of time. Their prototype of a new, urban, decentralised...

“Alexander Kluge” / Belvedere 21

06.06. - 30.09.2018; Wien. Pluriversum: Die poetische Kraft der Theorie. Using images, films, texts and objects, Kluge creates ever new contexts in his installations. The work exhibition...

Days of Architecture 2018 / all over Austria

08. – 09.06.2018; Austria. „Architecture moves“ – also in moving images. Film and moving images can make architecture come alive at various levels. This is demonstrated by...

“Days of Architecture” / Wien 2018

08.06. – 09.06.2018; Wien. Architectur mooves. Film and moving images can make architecture come alive at various levels. This is demonstrated by a curated film and...

LET’S CEE Film Festival / Vienna

13.04. - 22.04.2018; Vienna, Graz, Salzburg & Villach. LET’S CEElebrate! The festival’s directors Magdalena Zelasko and Wolfgang P. Schwelle programmed over 100 films for the sixth...

Women’s Film Festival / Vienna 2018

01.03. – 08.03.2018; Vienna. Women and their cinematographic work in focus. Not only the Internatonal Women's Day takes places in early March but also the Women's film...

“Guy Mees. The weather is quiet, cool and soft” / Kunsthalle Wien

01.02. - 29.04.2018; Vienna. Exhibition with scarcity value in the Kunsthalle Wien. For the first time in Austria, the rarely shown photographs, videos and fragile paper...


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