Tag: Wien

Max Neufeld: Retrospektive / Filmarchiv Austria, Wien

19.04. – 09.05.2022. Actor, director, pioneer! The Filmarchiv Austria dedicates a retrospective to the most successful unknown of domestic entertainment. Actor and director Max Neufeld was...

PAS DE DEUX / Fotogalerie Wien

05.04. – 07.05.2022. The dance of two photo galleries! With this Austrian-French exchange project, two galleries, the FOTOGALERIE WIEN and the GALERIE VRAIS RÊVES in Lyon...

Widerständige Musen (Defiant Muses) / Kunsthalle Wien

07.04. – 04.09.2022. Delphine Seyrig and the feminist video collectives in 1970s and 1980s France! The exhibition sheds light on a network of creative and political...

Alfred Kubin: Bekenntnisse einer gequälten Seele / Leopold Museum, Wien

16.04. – 24.07.2022. The art of drawing and illustrating! Alfred Kubin and his artistic work seem more topical than ever: violence, warlike destruction, epidemics, natural disasters,...

Foto Wien

09. – 27.03.2022. Vienna under the sign of photography! In March, the festival FOTO WIEN takes place with more than 140 exhibitions and over 300 events...

Anna Jermolaewa: Chernobyl Safari / MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst, Wien

09.03. – 05.06.2022. What will be the future of Chernobyl? With the war in Ukraine, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the surrounding exclusion zone are...

Lebensnah / True to life: Realistic art from 1850 to 1950 / Belvedere, Wien

18.03. – 01.11.2022. Is everything realistic that seems true to life? A stroll through the collection of the Belvedere in Vienna revealed works from the mid-19th...

Serious Fun: Architektur & Spiele / Az W – Architekturzentrum Wien

17.03. – 05.09.2022. Who participates in a game, becomes part of the game himself! The exhibition "Serious Fun" at the Architekturzentrum Wien presents architectural games and...

Face to Face: Marc Quinn meets Franz Xaver Messerschmidt / Belvedere, Wien

24.02. – 03. 07.2022. Face to face! With his eight-part series of works "Emotional Detox," the British artist Marc Quinn confronts the famous "character heads" of...

23. Internationales Akkordeonfestival / Wien

19.02. – 20.03.2022. Ambitious and at no time certain - but it will take place! With an Austrian focus, the Accordion Festival starts with the opening...


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