Tag: Theater

Cirque Noël / Orpheum, Graz

25.12.2021 – 06.01.2022. Christmas - time of silence! What a hustle and bustle! At Cirque Noël, you can find a place where you can escape the...

Cancelled! 21. Österreichische Theatersport-Meisterschaften / Posthof, Linz

01. – 04.12.2021. They compete and measure their theatrical greatness! an ihrer theatralischen Größe! A year off, like almost everywhere else, and now it's that time...

Theaternyx*: über.morgen (about.tomorrow) SALZBURG / Szene Salzburg

05. – 06.11.2021. How do we experience the world of tomorrow today? über.morgen (about.tomorrow) SALZBURG is a fun and playful narrative about time, possible future scenarios...

Luaga & Losna – International Theaterfestival for Young Audiences / Vorarlberg

07. – 11.09.2021. What sounds strange to most ears clearly and concisely expresses what captivates children in the theater: looking and listening - here just...


25.06. – 17.07.2021. LOST IN THE WOODS! A group of people have escaped the city and find themselves in the adjacent forests. Quite distant it is...

Sommerakademie für Theater 2021 / Graz

09. – 27.08.2021. Ballet, clown theater or the art of writing: workshops on acting, dancing and singing are the focus of the Summer Academy...

“Pick mich auf” / Werk X Petersplatz, Wien

23.06. – 01.07.2021. Between performance, music and object theater: Werk X Petersplatz presents a world premiere entitled "Pick mich auf". Production, text and staging...

Schäxpir “super natural” ’21 / Linz und Oberösterreich

16. – 26.06.2021. Theater for a young audience. From robot musicals to low carb diets for young women, the theater productions of the youth...

aktionstheater ensemble: Lonely Ballads – EINS / Spielboden, Dornbirn

25. – 28.05.2021. The aktionstheater ensemble brings a world premiere to the stage at Spielboden: Lonely Ballads: ONE. "As the end of the pandemic approaches,...


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