Tag: Schlossmuseum Linz

Brigitte Kowanz: ISTR (I seem to recall) / Schlossmuseum Linz

29.04. – 24.07.2022. In retrospect, it seems that I understand! At the end of January, the Austrian artist Brigitte Kowanz passed away unexpectedly. The Schlossmuseum in...

Johann Jascha: Aktionen – Jaschareien / Schlossmuseum, Linz

25.02. 29.05.2022. Happening! It happens! On the occasion of his 80th birthday, the Schlossmuseum in Linz is showing early performative works by the artist Johann Jascha. In...

Christmas Tree Film Set / Schlossmuseum Linz

27.11.2021 – 02.02.2022. Christmas - like a movie in a loop! It comes again and again! A car parked on the side of the road, the...

Gerhard Haderer: Kosmos / Schlossmuseum, Linz

10.11.2021 – 18.04.2022. The small world of the common man gently taken on the shovel! The work of Gerhard Haderer is a cosmos in itself, which...

Waltraud Viehböck: Faszination Metall / Schlossmuseum Linz

21.10.2021 – 27.02.2022. Immerse yourself in the fascination of metal as a material! Waltraud Viehböck, one of the first graduates of Helmuth Gsöllpointner's metal master class...

Weltmaschine / Schlossmuseum Linz

16.11.21 bis 13.03.2022. With irony and humor, the exhibition explores the question of how scientific findings are taken up and interpreted by artists. In...

Linzer Kunstsalon 2021 / Schlossmuseum Linz

07. – 10.10.2021. This year, the Linz Art Salon will be held for the first time in the Linz Castle Museum. The Kunstsalon sees itself...

Squidsoup “Wave, an Artwork” / Schlossmuseum Linz

18.11.2022 – 5.3.2023 "Wave" is an audiovisual experience, a wave of light and sound in the entrance area of the Schlossmuseum in Linz. The walk-through...


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