Tag: Salzburg

Marion Kalter: Deep Time / Museum der Moderne Salzburg

26.02. – 22.05.2022. Immerse yourself in the image of childhood! The photographs of the Austrian artist Marion Kalter are always about people. The artist was already...

Klaus Schuster: DERTAGDIENACHTDERMORGENDANACH / Galerie Eboran, Salzburg

02.02. – 18.02.2022. People in their homes, front yards, workplaces, cars - like foreign bodies. The once self-evident, protective environment has apparently expelled its inhabitants. In...

MotzArt Festival / ARGE Salzburg

22.01. - 11.02.2022. Das MotzArt Festival wird 40! Da sich heuer aber Corona eingeschlichen hat und eine adäquate Jubliäumsausgabe nicht möglich ist, hat man sich auf...

Darja Shatalova: PLAN D / periscope:project:space, Salzburg

21.12.2021 – 22.01.2022. Digital Data Discourse! The installation work by Darja Shatalova consists of the collection and visualization of data, through which a spatial map of...

Die Kabarett / kleines theater.haus der freien szene, Salzburg

23. – 26.02.2022. Full power cabaret! Since 2016, the all-female cabaret festival has been held in the small theater.haus of the free scene in cooperation with...

Großer Kunstpreis des Landes Salzburg / Traklhaus, Salzburg

15.01. – 05.03.2022. And the winner is… The following categories have been awarded: Grand Art Award of the State of Salzburg 2021 - Angela GlechnerRauris Literature Prize...

Digital weekly schedule / Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

Online A varied program despite closed museum doors! The Museum der Moderne Salzburg offers an extensive range of online culture during Lockdown as part of its...

subnet / Online

The Salzburg platform for media art and experimental technologies - is dedicated to promoting artistic and cultural engagement in and with digital technologies and...

Literaturhaus Salzburg goes Online

Online! Due to the current situation, the Literaturhaus Salzburg updates its program and offers readings online.Current changes: 19.11. U20 Poetry Slam – Cancelled! 21.11. Peter Stephan Jungk...

Stefan Kreiger: Hero Quest / Salzburger Kunstverein

05.02 - 13.03.2022. We could be heros, just for one day! In the cabinet of the Salzburg Kunstverein is accompanying the annual exhibition of the Salzburg...


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