Tag: Portraits

Dietmar Feichtinger, Architect

Dietmar Feichtinger is an architect, lives in Paris and is internationally successful with his office Feichtinger Architectes. After studying architecture in Graz, he worked...

Matta Wagnest, Artist

Matta Wagnest is an artist who has her starting point in Graz. Wagnest works interdisciplinarily with almost all materials and her work is represented...

Xaõ Seffcheque, Musician, Screenwriter and Filmmaker

Xaõ Seffcheque is a musician, screenwriter and filmmaker. He started his musical career in the 1970s in Graz before he moved to the punk...

Eva Rossmann, Writer

Eva Rossmann is a writer from Graz who focuses on detective stories. Today she lives in the Weinviertel region of Lower Austria, but likes...

Christina Seewald, Fashion Designer

With her knitwear collections, fashion designer Christina Seewald wants to address courageous women who go through life with confidence. After graduating from fashion school...

Susana Sawoff, Musician

Susana Sawoff is a musician, singer and pianist. Born in Graz, she has lived in Hamburg for 10 years. She always likes to come...

Ekaterina Degot, Director of steirischer herbst, Graz

Ekaterina Degot is the director of the avant-garde festival steirischer herbst. She comes from Moscow and is an art historian. For Ekaterina Degot the...

Sara Saria, owner of “Gewürze der Welt”, Graz

Sara Saria has lived in Graz for five years. Since March 2018, she has been operating the "Gewürze der Welt" business on Lendplatz, where...

Pascal Okafor, Megaphon salesman, Graz

Pascal Okafor comes from Nigeria. Since 2010 he lives in Graz, a city where he appreciates the feeling of security. The security of leaving...

Alexey Kovalets, Erasmus student / University of Graz

Alexey Kovalets is studying at Tomsk State University in Russia. He spends his Erasmus semester at the Karl-Franzens-Universität, the University of Graz. His subjects...


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