Tag: Portrait

Andreas Weingartner – clean water from s::can

s::can – Clean drinking water from an innovative light measurement technique Andreas Weingartner, managing director of s::can Messtechnik GmbH, specialises in measuring water quality using...

Kristina Tsvetanova – Blitab, tablet for blind people

Blitab – A tactile computer tablet for blind people The Viennese start-up, "Blitab Technology GmbH" founded by Kristina Tsvetanova and Slavi Slavev has developed the...

Maresch und Brencic – modular house to take away

COMMOD-Haus – A sustainable modular house to take away A Graz-based architect duo are not only using ecological, re-usable building materials to build houses, but...

Niederkircher und Galhaup – mini power station for all

simon – A mini power station for all Using photovoltaics to generate power is nothing new. However, many people do not have the option of...

Michaelias – Media art and the human-machine relationship

Michaelias – Media art and the human-machine relationship The audiovisual art of Michaelias uses the new media to draw attention to the "mutilation" of our...

Gerhard Fraundorfer – pheromones against crop failures

CornProtect – Protecting maize crops through pest control with sex pheromones The Lower Austrian company "LITHOS Industrial Minerals GmbH", run by Gerhard Fraundorfer, has developed...

Markus Enenkel – developer of the drought app SATIDA

SATIDA – A drought app that acts as an early warning system for drought and famine A research team at the Technical University, Vienna has...

Andrea Lunzer grocery by weight

Lunzers grocery by weight – Shopping without packaging waste With her grocery by weight, Andrea Lunzer has created an organic food shop where customers can...

David Groß – “Wastecook”, filmmaker and “artivist”

Wastecooking – Fighting food waste and xenophobia with "artivism" The documentary art film project "wastecooking" by trained chef, filmmaker and "artivist" David Groß focuses and,...

Martin Hollinetz -initiator of open technology laboratories

Otelo – Open technology laboratories as future hubs in rural areas In order to halt the flight of young creatives from rural regions, Martin Hollinetz...


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