Tag: Musik


CREATIVE AUSTRIA presents in its Playlist those bands of The New Austrian Sound of Music – in short NASOM 2020/2021, who are available on SoundCloud. https://soundcloud.com/user-864478074/sets/creative-austria-playlist The 25...

Month of Sundays – Music for a city without people

Enjoy spherical music online with Month of Sundays. Two come from Vorarlberg, but all four of them are jazz: Alexander Kranabetter (trumpet), Philipp Harnisch (saxophone),...

“aspekteSALZBURG” / Salzburg

> cancelled < 25.03.2020 – 29.03.2020; Salzburg. 28 composers, 8 orchestras and 16 world premieres are presented by aspekteSalzburg, Festival for New Music. No less than a...

“The Distant Sound” / Neue Galerie, Graz

> closed < 21.02.2020 - 28.06.2020; Graz. Günter Brus and the inspiration of music. Günter Brus' relationship to music is reflected in many ways in his works....

“Montforter Zwischentöne” / Feldkirch 2020

03.02.2020 - 29.02.2020; Feldkirch. Montforter Zwischentöne about losing oneself, in the world and in music. Funerals, competitions and meditations: The first edition of the Montforter Zwischentöne(eng. nuances)...

“Heimspiel 2020” / posthof Linz

> closed < 11.01.2020 - 21.03.2020; Linz. What does Austria's young artist scene has to offer? "Heimspiel" brings the current generation on stage. The Heimspiel is back...

Xaõ Seffcheque, Musician, Screenwriter and Filmmaker

Xaõ Seffcheque is a musician, screenwriter and filmmaker. He started his musical career in the 1970s in Graz before he moved to the punk...

Susana Sawoff, Musician

Susana Sawoff is a musician, singer and pianist. Born in Graz, she has lived in Hamburg for 10 years. She always likes to come...

“OK Klubinstitut OPEN” / OK im OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz

21.11.2019 - 23.11.2019; Linz. Between art and club culture: Three days of club festival at the OK, with exhibition, talks and lots of music.. The OK...

“Jazz & The City” / Salzburg

16.10. 2019 - 20.10.2019; Salzburg. Jazz at its best: Musical delights beyond Wolfgang Amadé and the Sound of Music. The Festival Jazz & The City in...


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