Tag: Literatur

“Comic Con Bodensee” / Dornbirn 2018

06.10. – 07.10.2018; Vorarlberg. This Charity-Event is no fantasy. Nerds organise a convention full of comics, cosplay, films and games! The first Comic Con at Lake...

“Feldkirchner Lyrikpreis 2018” / Theater am Saumarkt Feldkirch

09.11. – 11.11.2018; Vorarlberg. Theater am Saumarkt celebrates the art of poetry! The Theater am Saumarkt celebrates the art of poetry with the Lyrikpreis Feldkirch (Feldkirch...

“11. Literaturfest” / Salzburg 2018

23.05. - 27.05.2018; Salzburg. 11. "Literaturfest" Salzburg. 2018 the Literature festival invites to a meeting with literature itself in Salzburg again. This year the program will...

“Feldkirchner Lyrikpreis | Minidramenwettbewerb” / Vorarlberg

09. – 12.11.2017 | 15.11.2017; Feldkirch. Within the framework of this year’s festival, the best flash dramas will be staged, the winners of the lyric...

“Literaturfest Kleinwalsertal” / Vorarlberg 2017

29.09. - 30.09.2017; Vorarlberg. Literaturfest Kleinwalsertal. For the first time, international and regional authors read under the motto “to set out” at different places in Kleinwalsertal....

“Hands off! – 50 years steirischer herbst” / Graz

22.09. – 15.10.2017 steirischer herbst: Even after 50 years still dangerous. Where would Graz be now without steirischer herbst? For the past fifty years this festival...


Literature as a means of rooting oneself in a foreign country What drives them: Why do authors choose not to write in their mother tongue? There...

“Wir Kinder der Toten: Heimat und Horror bei Elfriede Jelinek- Literatursymposium” / Literaturhaus Graz

19.10. – 21.10.2017; Literaturhaus Graz Wir Kinder der Toten: Heimat und Horror bei Elfriede Jelinek- Literatursymposium. The 1995 novel “The Children of the Dead” by Elfriede...

“Chronos und Kairos – die messbare und die gefühlte” / Vorarlberg

29.09. – 22.10.2017; Vorarlberg. Chronos und Kairos – die messbare und die gefühlte. On September 28, Michael Köhlmeier, one of the best-known writers of Vorarlberg, introduces...


Innovators for the society of the future. A new talent promotion initiative of the Foreign Ministry‘s Department of International Cultural Policy gives creative minds on...


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