Tag: Linz

Nextcomic Festival 2022: Sichtbar Unsichtbar (Visible / Invisible) / Oberösterreichisches Kulturquartier, Linz

11. – 19.03.2022. In 2022, the nextcomic festival takes on the characteristics "visible - invisible - not visible". The question of how the "invisible" is represented...

Crossing Europe 2022 / Linz

27.04. – 02.05.2022. Linz will once again become the hub of European cinema! Under the new direction of Sabine Gebetsroither and Katharina Riedler, there will be...

Johann Jascha: Aktionen – Jaschareien / Schlossmuseum, Linz

25.02. 29.05.2022. Happening! It happens! On the occasion of his 80th birthday, the Schlossmuseum in Linz is showing early performative works by the artist Johann Jascha. In...

Museum Total / Linz

24. – 27.02.2022. 1 ticket, 4 days, 8 Linz museums! On four days in February, Museum Total invites you to explore eight Linz museums with just...

Friedl Dicker-Brandeis / Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz

28.01. – 29.05.2022. Bauhaus student, avant-garde painter, art educator. The exhibition at Lentos offers an overview of the multifaceted work of the Austrian artist Friedl Dicker-Brandeis...

Ausstellungen im Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz

We're re-opening! From December 17 and until January 9, the two exhibitions "Female Sensitivity" and "Ida Maly" are on view at the Lentos Kunstmuseum in...

WINTER­GRÜN Online / Oberösterreichische Landesmuseen Online, Linz

01. – 24.12.2021. Festive times call for festive creativity! Due to the current situation, the planned Christmas exhibition at the Schlossmuseum Linz has been adapted thematically...

Deep Space LIVE: Die virtuelle Krippe in voller Pracht / Ars Electronica Home Delivery,...

02.12.2021. Twelve meters long, four meters deep and five meters high! In the course of restoring the Nativity scene in the crypt of the Mariendom in...

Revue / Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Linz

02.12.2021 – 20.01.2022. Review and celebrate! The Upper Austrian Art Association celebrates 170 years of its existence with a group exhibition initiated by Elisabeth Czihak and...

OÖLKG digital / Oberösterreichische Landesmuseen, Linz

The new online presence of the Upper Austrian Provincial Museums demonstrates how museums and their contents can be presented on the Internet. With the currently...


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