Tag: Jazz

Vienna Fingerstylefestival / Porgy&Bess, Wien

25. – 26.02.2022. A celebration of the acoustic guitar! The Vienna Fingerstylefestival takes place for the 12th time in Vienna's Porgy&Bess. Internationally known greats as well as...

Neujahrsjazzfestival / Theater am Saumarkt, Vorarlberg

06. – 08.01.2022. Three days of jazz at its best to start the new year! The Theater am Saumarkt presents musical creativity, a view between micro-...

29. Austrian Soundcheck: URBAN VOICES / tube’s, Graz

23. – 25.09.2021. With URBAN VOICES, Gamsbart Jazz in cooperation with the Kleine Zeitung brings fresh, new, top-class voices to the Graz tube`s. All this...

Jazz & The City / Salzburg

14. – 17.10.2021. Improvisation! Improve the World!"If not now, when?" asks Tina Heine, artistic director of the Salzburg Festival. For more than 20 years,...

Jazzconcerts at Generalihof / Graz

07.07. – 25.08.2021. What would a summer in Graz be without jazz concerts at the Generalihof? Every Wednesday this summer you can once again...


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