Tag: Galerie

aktuelle kunst in graz – Graz Gallery Days

13. – 15.05.2022. Contemporary art as a starting point for discourse! The Graz Gallery Days stand as an offer of other perspectives and points of view...

Darja Shatalova: PLAN D / periscope:project:space, Salzburg

21.12.2021 – 22.01.2022. Digital Data Discourse! The installation work by Darja Shatalova consists of the collection and visualization of data, through which a spatial map of...

Gallery Week_End / Salzburg

27. – 31.07.2021. NOT ALL ART IS FOR SALE! The GALLERY WEEK_END Salzburg attracts collectors willing to buy during the festival season.Art concentrated to...

Galerientage 2021 / Graz

14. – 16.05.2021. The Grazer Kunstverein, Forum Stadtpark, Camera Austria, Schnitzler Lindsberger Galerie, < rotor >, Kunsthaus Graz, Halle für Kunst and many more...


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