Tag: Bühne

“tanz ist” / Dornbirn 2017

Bis 17.06.2017; Dornbirn. Among other things, James Wilton`s “Leviathan” will be shown. The dance Performance around the famous story of Moby Dick sets new standards: motifs...

“Montforter Zwischentöne” / Feldkirch 2017/2

22.06. - 02.07.2017; Feldkirch. Dreaming...by day, at night and into the future, this is the central theme of this year’s summer edition of the “montforter...

“Schäxpir – Theaterfestival für junges Publikum” / Linz 2017

22.06. – 01.07.2017; Linz. Schäxpir-Theaterfestival for young audiance. The festival opening features the dance theatre play “love” of the dutch group Maas theater en dans. The...


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