Tag: Bühne
“Schäxpir – Theaterfestival für junges Publikum” / Linz 2019
24.06. – 30.06.2019; Linz.
Schäxpir-Theaterfestival for a young audiance.
A Festival for the audience of today, from grandparents to grandchild all are addressed - with everything...
“27. Internationale Bühnenwerkstatt & Tanztheaterfestival” / Graz 2018
16.07. – 22.07.2018; Graz.
Bühnenwerkstatt Graz aims at exploring new artistic content and communicative methods in dance theatre. This year they organise this creative and...
Festival “ImPulsTanz” / Vienna 2018
12.07. –12.08.2017; Vienna.
The whole world dances in the federal capital of Austria.
lIntendant Karl Regensburger and his team attract thousands of professional dancers, choreographs and...
“Montforter Zwischentöne” / Feldkirch 2018/1
02.02. & 22.02. – 25.02.2018; Feldkirch.
Esthetical festival under the motto „Aufbrechen, heimkehren“ (“setting off, coming home”) connects music to everyday–culture.
On the occasion of the...
“tanz ist – surprises” / Spielboden Dornbirn
01.11. – 04.11.2017; Dornbirn.
"tanz ist – surprises" in Spielboden Dornbirn.
The next “tanz ist suprises“ presents the latest from the international and mainstream-free dance and...
“tanz_house herbst 17” / Salzburg
17.10. – 29.10.2017; Salzburg.
This event gets under the skin.
Under the motte under the skin, the tanz_house herbst presents the latest productions of Salzburg’s vibrant...
“Hands off! – 50 years steirischer herbst” / Graz
22.09. – 15.10.2017
steirischer herbst: Even after 50 years still dangerous.
Where would Graz be now without steirischer herbst? For the past fifty years this festival...
“Posthof Summer Sessions” / Pöstlingberg Linz
09.07. | 19.07. | 24.07. | 11.08.2017; Rosengarten am Pöstlingberg.
Posthof Summer Sessions.
This summer, four acts enrich the summer sessions at the Rosengarten Pöstlingberg: Cat...
“ImPulsTanz Festival” / Vienna 2017
13.07. –13.08.2017; Vienna.
This year’s ImPuls festival focuses on Belgian dance art.
A special event is the “”-Series, that focuses on young choreographers. As part of...
“26. Internationale Bühnenwerkstatt & Tanztheaterfestival” / Graz 2017
Bis – 20.07.2017; Graz.
Internationale Bühnenwerkstatt & Tanztheaterfestival.
Bühnenwerkstatt Graz aims at exploring new artistic content and communicative methods in dance theatre. This year they organise...