Tag: Bühne

“stART 2018: Hymnen und Lieder des 21. Jahrhunderts” / ARGEkultur Salzburg

21. & 22. & 25.09.2018; Salzburg. Leaving behind patriotic and populist hymns for current songs that promote a healthy, pluralistic coexistence. Eighteen “hymns“ composed by multicultural...

“steirischer herbst ’18 – Volksfronten” / Graz

20.09. – 14.10.2018; Graz. Volksfronten in motion. steirischer herbst detects the little “fascisms of everyday life”. steirischer herbst’s new programme director Ekaterina Degot is in a frontline position:...

“Sommerszene” / Salzburg 2018

05.06. – 16.06.2018; Salzburg. A triumphal march of modernity. Sommerszene Salzburg explores questions of identity and presents strong women, including Danish choreographer Mette Ingvartsen with her...

“International Jazzfestival Saalfelden” / Salzburg

23.08. – 26.08.2018; Salzburg. Jazz sounds in a scenery of City and Mountain. Orges & The Ockus-Rockus Band, RasgaRasga, Kuu!, Fainschmitz, Virta and many more. Internationally known artists and promising newcomers...

Salzburger Festspiele: Young Singers Project / 2018

20.07. – 30.08.2018; Salzburg. Junge Stimmen von morgen. Learning with the best! Bei internationalen Vorsingen wurden junge vielversprechende Sängerinnen und Sänger aus aller Welt für das...

“Bubble Days” / Linzerhafen

08.06. - 09.06.2018; Linz. The Bubble Days are rocking the boat and turning the industrial harbour into a party area. An Electrostage at Urban Beach,...

“Montforter Zwischentöne” / Feldkirch 2018/1

02.02. & 22.02. – 25.02.2018; Feldkirch. Esthetical festival under the motto „Aufbrechen, heimkehren“ (setting off, coming home) connects music to everyday–culture. On the occasion of the...

“Bregenzer Frühling 2018” – Dance Festival

11.03.- 02.06.2018; Bregenz. Dance, Cinema, Music, Theater and it's blurred boundaries.  The dance festival "Bregenzer Frühling" brings a series of exciting and innovative productions to Lake...

Salzburg Performance Days 2018

24.03. - 29.03.2018; Salzburg. Austrian Performance Art accompanied by international Artist. True to the motto “think global & act local”, internationality meets the local dance scene...

“tanz ist” / Dornbirn 2018

07.06. - 17.06.2018; Dornbirn. Experience international dance. Since 1998 the „Spielboden” has been the venue of different activities from the association “tanz ist” which was...


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