Tag: Bühne

“tanz ist surprises” / Spielboden Dornbirn

07.11.2019 – 09.11.2019; Vorarlberg. tanz ist turns 25! The Tanzfestival tanz ist celebrates its 25th anniversary and invites to performance nights with international and mainstream free...

“Styrian Sounds – Festival of Styrian Popculture 2019” / p.p.c. Graz

21.11.2019 – 23.11.2019; Graz. Pop music from Styria: loud and trendy! The festival STYRIAN SOUNDS presents from 21 - 23 November 2019 Styrian pop music "live...

“Take The A-Train 2019” / Salzburg Central Station

11.09.2019 - 15.09.2019, Salzburg. A festival on track: extraordinary music acts in and around Salzburg Central Station. The Take The A-Train Festival presents music at very...

“20. Austrian Theatre Sport Championships” / posthof Linz

04.12.2019 - 07.12.2019; Linz. Who will battle for roses & sponges for the 20th time in December 2019? It's time to battle hard again: the best...

“Cirque Noël 2019/20” / Stadthalle und Orpheum Graz

21.12.2019 - 05.01.2020; Graz. Hearts beat faster than acrobats fly and the desire for discovery is overwhelming: it's Cirque Noël time! Around Christmas there are three productions...

“Luaga &Losna. International theatre festival für young people” / Feldkirch

03.09.2019 - 07.09.2019; Feldkirch. Luaga and Losna: Vorarlberg dialect for "look and listen"! The International Theatre Festival for a Young Audience in Vorarlberg invites you to...

“Africa Days Vienna 2019” / Donauinsel, Wien

09.08. - 26.08.2019; Vienna. African music on the Danube Island in Vienna: a festival sets an example for tolerance and understanding between cultures. African vitality and...

“Vienna Festival” / Vienna

10.05.2019 - 16.06.2019; Vienna Art in the here and now with room for imagination and contradiction. The new festival director Christoph Slagmuylder seeks contact with the...

“28. International Bühnenwerkstatt & Tanztheaterfestival” / Graz 2019

13.07. – 21.07.2019; Graz. body | voice | dance - workshops & performances Under the motto "to contribute instead of imitating", this year's focus of the...

“Sommerszene” / Salzburg 2019

17.06. – 29.06.2019; Salzburg. City in the flow of time. The Salzburg summer scene explores changes in public space. Under the direction of Angela Glechner open...


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