Tag: Bregenz

Anri Sala / Kunsthaus Bregenz

17.07. – 10.10.2021. Immerse yourself in a pictorial-acoustic spatial experience! A record player, an old printing roller hanging freely in space, a film about the...

MARUŠA SAGADIN: Wenn ich Cola mag, weiß ich nicht, ob das eine Illusion ist,...

25.06. - 09.09.2021. Poppy, honest, with ease in the balancing act of gender, language, architecture and sculpture with an almost unpronounceable title that says a...

Rudi Klein: Portraits und Geschenke / Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz

12.06. - 10.07.2021. When the Lochgott greets, humor is not neglected. And yet the visual-artistic works of Rudi Klein are not so well known, but...

Bregenzer Festspiele 2021 / Bregenz

21.07. – 22.08.2021. The production Rigoletto, popular with the audience, will be shown on the big stage by the lake, and for the first...


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