Tag: AZW

Serious Fun: Architektur & Spiele / Az W – Architekturzentrum Wien

17.03. – 05.09.2022. Who participates in a game, becomes part of the game himself! The exhibition "Serious Fun" at the Architekturzentrum Wien presents architectural games and...

Hot Questions – Cold Storage / Az W – Architekturzentum Wien

Ab 03.02.2022. The new show collection of the Architekturzentrum Wien provides insights into the most important and comprehensive collection on Austrian architecture of the 20th...

Architektur.Film.Sommer 2021 / AzW, Wien

04. - 25.08.2021. The Architektur.Fillm.Sommer presents films and new discoveries on the topic of soil consumption in rural and urban areas. The open-air festival invites...

Tatiana Bilbao Estudio / AZW, Wien

19.08.21 – 17.01.2022. Carried by poetry: the AZW presents for the first time in Austria the working methods and philosophy of the Mexican architect...


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