Tag: Architektur & Baukultur

“Post Otto Wagner: Von der Postsparkasse zur Postmoderne” / MAK Wien

30.05. – 30.09.2018; Wien. Otto Wagner as the “father of modernism”? The MAK tries to point out the context and the interaction between him and outstanding...

“Graz Architektur” / Kunsthaus Graz

Bis 28.01.2018; Graz. Graz Architektur. The exhibition curated by Barbara Steiner brings different positions from protagonists of the architecture scene of Graz together. They all have...

“Hands off! – 50 years steirischer herbst” / Graz

22.09. – 15.10.2017 steirischer herbst: Even after 50 years still dangerous. Where would Graz be now without steirischer herbst? For the past fifty years this festival...

Graz: Architectural City Reloaded

Graz is probably counted among the cities with the largest density of architects – and for good reason. Graz has a luxury problem. Hardly any...

UNESCO City of Design

As of this spring, Graz is “UNESCO City of Design”. It is thus the tenth city in the world to be awarded this title...

Salzburg Architecture

Modern architecture in Salzburg. The Mozart City presents itself in the usual classy, yet surprisingly modern way with outstanding modern architecture When thinking about architecture...


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