Days of Architecture 2018 / all over Austria

08. – 09.06.2018; Austria. „Architecture moves“ – also in moving images. Film and moving images can make architecture come alive at various levels. This is demonstrated by...

“summerexhibitions” / Kulturtankstelle; Linz

24.05. – 03.06.2018 | 08.06. – 22.06.2018; Linz TIARA LINZ The Sky is made of Panels | Clean Cube – Zur Kritk der Reinen Vernunft. The kulturtankstelle of...

“Bubble Days” / Linzerhafen

08.06. - 09.06.2018; Linz. The Bubble Days are rocking the boat and turning the industrial harbour into a party area. An Electrostage at Urban Beach,...

Crossing Europe Film Festival / Linz 2018

25.04. – 30.04.2018; Linz. Unstoppable grannies. Linz‐based Crossing Europe film festival teaches us to respect the age(d). Grandmothers have shared their stories with their granddaughters for an European-wide film project. These women have witnessed historical events themselves...

“Sinnesrausch: Alice twisted world” / OÖ Kulturquartier Linz

21.10.2017 – 31.03.2018; Linz. The premises of the OK-Center are just as confusing as those of Alice in Wonderland. Fantastic, absurd and wonderful objects are...

“1918 – KLIMT · MOSER · SCHIELE” / Lentos Linz

16.02. – 21.05.2018; Linz. Collected Beauties: Exhibition at LENTOS. In 1918, the Viennese avant-garde lost three of ist most outstanding exponents: Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser and...

“Ines Doujak – Sale” / LENTOS Linz

02.02.2018 - 21.05.2018; Linz. Fashion store at the LENTOS. The Austrian Artist Ines Doujak coverts the hall of LENTOS museum in eight differently designed pop-up stores,...

“Alfred Kubin – Between Wartimes” / Landesgalerie Linz

06.02. – 06.05.2018; Linz. Kubin, could eat 'em alive. The exhibition in the Kubin Cabinet of the Landesgalerien Linz addresses the question of what influence artistic and...

“HÖHENRAUSCH” / Linz 2018

24.05. – 14.10.2018; Linz. All good things come from above. The Höhenrausch in Linz and the Element of Water. When a three-masted ship hovers high above...

NEXTCOMIC-Festival / Linz 2018

16.03. – 24.03.2018; Linz. Anti-terrorist attacks from the social network. At this year Austria’s only comic festival, artists from all over the world will interpret the...