Musikpavillon / Donaupark, Linz

01.07. - 23.08.2020 From 01.07. to 23.08.2020, this year's music pavilion will take place in Linz's Donaupark. Weekly evenings full of music are on the...

Denkräume und Schreibstuben / Innenhof des Schlossmuseums, Linz

June until October 2020In recent weeks and months, we citizens have been asked to do a lot. Many of them missed retreats in apartments...

Luftschlosslesungen / OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz

03.07. - 11.09.2020Starting in July, young authors will present selected texts every Friday at 7 pm in the Multispace, which has been declared an...

Sculptures from Manfred Wakolbinger / Schlosspark Linz

Until October 2020. A series of sculptures by the Upper Austrian artist Manfred Wakolbinger will be on display in the Schlosspark in Linz until...

Das 20. Jahrhundert in Oberösterreich / Schlossmuseum Linz

In the Schlossmuseum Linz an exhibition is dedicated to the cultural history and art of the 20th century in Upper Austria. The Upper Austrian Provincial...

Young at Art Award / Francisco Carolinum Linz online

The Young Art Award 2019 now culminates in an online exhibition on the Francisco Carolinum website. The competition for children and young people will...

Auf ins Wolkenkuckucksheim / OÖ Kulturquartier Linz

10.07. until 15.09.2020. Invitingly, the hammocks stretched out by Michael Kienzer bob in the wind: since July 10, the Höhenrausch roof has mutated into...

Kultur braucht Kunst / Schloßmuseum Linz

26.06. until 13.09.2020. The Schloßmuseum in Linz offers immediate help for artists in the context of a special exhibition. The existence-threatening situation that Corona...

LIVA Haus für Zeitkultur am Hafen / Linz

In June, the Liva Haus für Zeitkultur at the harbour in Linz presents three programmatic evenings scheduled at short notice. The events themselves are...

“VALIE EXPORT. Collection Care”/ Landesgalerie Linz

Reopening 16.05. – 28.06.2020; Linz. Numerous journeys and exhibitions have left their mark despite all the meticulous care taken by the museums. The exhibition shows essential works,...