Village. Country. City. Metropolis. / Hartlauer Photo Gallery, Linz
05.08. - 24.09.2023
The Hartlauer Photo Gallery presents national and international photographic art. The aim is to devote a place of identification to the Austrian...
Markus Huemer. I greet my father, my mother and especially my parents. / Schlossmuseum,...
Markus Huemer shows various pictorial realities that move between painting and digital art. From the abundance of artistic themes, the exhibition focuses on Huemer’s...
QUEER – Diversity is Our Nature / OK Linz
until 8.10.2023
The exhibition is a journey of discovery through the colorful diversity of gender and sexuality in nature and society.
Queer is a human category...
Weltschmelz – Anna Meyer / Lentos, Linz
13.7. – 14.9.2023
With the large-format works by the artist Anna Meyer, the Lentos Freiraum becomes an open-air gallery over the summer months.
Just history soon?...
EVA & ADELE. The Present of the Future / OK Zentrum, Linz
23.6. – 8.10.2023
EVA & ADELE come from the future. However, contemporary art history would be inconceivable without them.
Details and information about the origin and...
Musikpavillon 2023 / Donaupark, Linz
21.6. - 13.8.2023
Summer Open Air in the Danube Park! The gates of the music pavilion in Linz's Donaupark open for the 33rd time with...
Pflasterspektakel 2023, various locations, Linz
20.7. - 22.7.2023
The diversity of street art can also be seen in Linz this year: from comedy and clowning, juggling, figure and object theatre,...
LINZ FMR 2023 / Southern Harbor District, Linz
6.6. - 11.6.2023
LINZ FMR is the biennial Festival for Art in Digital Contexts and Public Spaces. The title was chosen with reference to the...
Blind Date – Appointment with a Collection / Nordico Stadtmuseum Linz
16.6. - 22.10.2023
Blinde Date is a rendezvous with artefacts that visitors to the Nordico City Museum have not yet met and know little or...
Schäxpir 2023 – Theater Festival for Young Audiences / various locations, Linz
14.6. - 24.6.2023
Schäxpir 2023 is dedicated to magic. Theater is a magical place where stories are created from stories, stories about stories are told...