“Summer of Architecture” / Graz 2018

08.06. - -30.09.2018 Conquering free spaces. Grassroots movement: Summer of Architecture Graz is taking over the town. A street lab for civil courage, live-in laboratories, parking spaces converted...

“Schau Graz!” / GrazMuseum

17.05. – 10.09.2018; Graz. Exhibition showing 426 positions to the current situation of the city Graz. 426 photographs that document the social present state of Graz...

“Obsession Zeichnen” / BRUSEUM Graz

02.03. – 02.09.2018; Graz. Obsession with Drawing. The work of ten young artists from Europe will be exhibited at the so called BRUSEUM. This exhibition, curated...

“Vjenceslav Richter: Retrospektive” / Neue Galerie Graz

03.03. – 02.09.2018; Graz. Architecture and visual art. This exhibition, curated by Vesna Mestric, presents Vjenceslav Richter's architectonic and artistic work, which where made between 1947 and...

“Glaube Liebe Hoffnung – 800 Jahre Diözese Graz-Seckau” / Kunsthaus Graz

13.04. – 26.08.2018; Graz. Verbindung zwischen Kunst und Kirche im Kunsthaus Graz. Diözese Graz-Seckau is celebrating its anniversary with an unusual project that combines contemporary art...

“Shaping Human Cities” / GrazMuseum

Bis 24.06.2018; Graz. Urbane Experimente aus elf europäischen Städten. Why do we feel comfortable or uncomfortable in a city? What makes it livable? Do we have the freedom to shape...

Days of Architecture 2018 / all over Austria

08. – 09.06.2018; Austria. „Architecture moves“ – also in moving images. Film and moving images can make architecture come alive at various levels. This is demonstrated by...

Diagonale’18 / Graz

13.03. – 18.03.2018; Graz. Rendezvous with the Austrian Film. Around a hundred current feature films, documentary films, short films, animation and experimental films as well as...

“Auf ins Ungewisse” / Kunsthaus Graz

23.09.2017 – 25.03.2018; Graz. This exhibition explores the relationship between visionary ideas and their realization. In doing so, it traces the formation process of the...

Haegue Yang – VIP´s Union – Phase II / Exhibition Graz 2018

15.02. – 02.04.2018; Graz. Haegue Yangs VIP´s Union enters phase II. The pieces of furniture that were available for use in the past nine months will...