Correspondences. The photography of Gerald Zugmann / kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag, Styria
01.03.2025 – 19.04.2025
When you look at Gerald Zugmann's photographs, you get the impression that you are walking past rows of houses and architecture, through...
PHOENIX OUT OF THE ASHES / Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz
01.03.2025 – 12.04.2025
The group exhibition - curated by Ines Kaufmann - was developed by colleagues from Vienna for the Schaumbad in Graz and will...
Freeing the Voices / Kunsthaus Graz, Styria
28.02.2025 – 24.08.2025
A scream, the scream of Marina Abramović - that is, of a human being - is the beginning of the exhibition Freeing...
Katharina Anna Loidl – ‘GLADES’ / Gallery Marenzi, Leibnitz, Styria
28.02.2025 – 12.04.2025
The unifying element of the exhibition is the merging of the abstract with the figurative, the futuristic with the historical, urban architecture...
Kaleidoscope / esc medienkunstlabor, Graz
24.01.2025 – 28.01.2025For five days, esc medienkunstlabor offers the opportunity to have a look at the final showcase ‘Kaleidoscope’ by students of the Communication,...
Age(ing) & Living – A participatory museum project / Volkskundemuseum, Graz
25.02.2025 – 04.12.2025The Graz Volkskundemuseum is dedicating its current project to the topic of ‘Living’. Not only the smoking parlour bears witness to historical...
Simona Pavoni / Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz
24.01.2025 – 29.01.2025
Simona Pavoni discovered the rich tradition of embroidery in Austrian culture after her arrival in Graz as part of the Styria Artist-in-Residence...
Stages of the bourgeoisie – A Styrian city-country party around 1900 / Museum für...
14.02.2025 – 02.11.2025
It is not a new phenomenon that people like to show and present themselves. Today, mainly in social media. Formerly in museums...
anderswo Festival 2025 / Orpheum Graz
07.02.2025 – 09.02.2025The festival of great images, journeys and adventures is once again fuelling adventure and wanderlust in 2025. For three days, the Orpheum...
The Open House – Haus Schwarz in Weiz / Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Styria
19.01.2025 – 31.01.20252024 marks the tenth anniversary of Hannes Schwarz's death, and 2026 would be the 100th anniversary of his birth. These two commemorative...