Daniel Wisser Reading / Online

The Austrian Cultural Forum Sarajevo organised a reading by the Austrian writer Daniel Wisser, which has been available on the Facebook page of the...

Readings / Online

The reading series #PassaLaParola (And the word goes to…) is a cooperation between the Austrian Cultural Forum and the Goethe-Institut Rome. A new path...

Paul Celan 100 / Online

The 100th birthday and 50th anniversary of Paul Celan's death are being celebrated by the Bucharest National Museum of Romanian Literature, the German Studies...

Feuer: Canetti & Sperber Lesung / Online

On three reading evenings, the well-known Viennese actor and speaker Martin Ploderer deals with the priority theme chosen by the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels...

Julya Rabinowich Reading / Online

24.06.2020, 18.00Uhr On 24 June 2020, the Austrian Cultural Forum Bratislava will host a digital reading with the well-known writer Julya Rabinowich at 6 pm,...

Marion Poschmann „Nimbus“ / Online

The author Marion Poschmann reads from her latest work "Nimbus", a collection of poems. Marion Poschmann, born 1969 in Essen, lives in Berlin. For...

Ausnahmegespräche online / Hauptverband des Österreich. Buchhandels

The Federation of Austrian Booksellers has recorded a series of talks with female authors on video and presents them on its website. Due to...

“Erich Fried Tage / Online”

No fear of fear is the title of the current online exhibition of the Erich Fried Society. The virtual exhibition, which runs from April...

“Marlene Streeruwitz Covid19 Roman” / Online

Marlene Streeruwitz writes a Covid19 novel online. Every Thursday an excerpt from her nascent Covid19 novel is published on the author's website. The first chapters...

StifterHaus Corona Tagebuch / Linz

At the StifterHaus, people write on a digital Corona diary. The StifterHaus has its own Corona diary, the press officer Marlene Gölz is responsible for...

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