Antonia Riederer, BEI TISCH, Acrylfarbe auf Leinwand, 2019 ,Foto: © Antonia Riederer

THE COURSE OF LIFE – Antonia Riederer, Marie Ruprecht & Ines Agostinelli / KUNSTSALON,...

17.6. - 26.6.2023 The spatially flexible KUNSTSALON will be a guest in June in the Shedhalle on Campus Väre. Antonia Riederer, Marie Ruprecht and Ines Agostinelli...
Museum Total© Robert Maybach

Museum Total 2023 / Linz

23. – 26.02.2023 1 ticket, 4 days, 8 museums in Linz!With "Museum Total" the Linz houses invite you to the open museum days again. ArsArs Electronica...
Jean Egger, Selbstporträt, 1027 / © Museum der Modernen Kunst Salzburg

Jean Egger – Revolutionary of Modern Painting (1897−1934) / Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz

27.1.2023 – 7.5.2023 The exhibition at the Lentos Art Museum follows the most important stages in the life of the exceptional Austrian artist and uses...

HAND.KAMERA – Heidi Harsieber / Francisco Carolinum Linz

14.12.2022 –19.03.2023 The exhibition HAND.KAMERA at the Franzisco Carolinum Linz, pays tribute to Heidi Harsieber (*1948), one of the most important Austrian photographers of recent...

DAS FEST. Zwischen Repräsentation und Aufruhr / MAK Wien

14.12. 2022 – 23.04. 2023 Celebrations, parties and festivals have always oscillated between the two poles of Dionysian ecstasy and Apollonian austere solemnity. The MAK...

mixed up with others before we even begin / mumok, Wien

26.11. 2022 – 10.04. 2023 Disturbances of an existing order create new diversity. The exhibition project “mixed up with others before we even begin” at...

Gerwald Rockenschaub / B 21, Wien

25.11. 2022 – 12.03. 2023 The Linz artist Gerwald Rockenschaub is known for his large-scale, abstract form inventions. His works are characterized by the principle...

Tatiana Bilbao Estudio / AZW, Wien

19.08.21 – 17.01.2022. Carried by poetry: the AZW presents for the first time in Austria the working methods and philosophy of the Mexican architect...

Pflasterspektakel 2021 / Linz

15. – 31.07.2021. The summer attracts to the street! Especially the international street art! The Pflasterspektakel takes place this year - as always and...

Gallery Week_End / Salzburg

27. – 31.07.2021. NOT ALL ART IS FOR SALE! The GALLERY WEEK_END Salzburg attracts collectors willing to buy during the festival season.Art concentrated to...


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