“Jazz & The City” / Salzburg 2018

17.10. – 21.10.2017; Salzburg. The entire city is full of jazz. For five days, jazz concerts by international artists attract many visitors to the old town...

Artist-Duo RESANITA: “Ironic City Guerilleras”

The artist duo Resa Pernthaller and Anita Fuchs, otherwise known as RESANITA regularly spice up the urban space of Graz with their subtile- humorous...

Copy.Paste.Art – Oliver Laric

Native to Innsbruck, artist Oliver Laric, 34, is one of the most internationally acclaimed and discussed artists of his generation. His initial rise to fame...

He talks a mile a minute: Klaus Kastberger

Klaus Kastberger works auto inductively. Giving him a short introductory question is sufficient for an interview; Kastberger could easily cover the rest himself. The...

Austrian Superheroes

Comic book lovers have known this for a long time already: The U.S. owes ist supremacy to its superheroes such as Superman, Spiderman and...


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