bookolino / Literaturhaus Graz

04. – 19.11.2021. From the edge of the forest to the bottom of the sea! The literature festival for young audiences at the Literaturhaus Graz takes...

Marlene Mayr & Andre Mayr: Dekonstrukt / Galerie Eboran, Salzburg

03. – 26.11.2021. How real is reality? And is progress everything? The artist duo Marlene Mayr and Andre Mayr shows in the gallery eboran in Salzburg...

Literature Tour: On the Trail of Literature in Linz

25. bis 27. März 2022 / 6. bis 8. Mai 2022. The cultural blossoming of a city springs from artistic events! Literature, reading books and meeting...

Architecture Tour: Discover Architecture in Linz

12. bis 14. November 2021 und 28. bis 30. Jänner 2022. Linz has changed a lot, especially in recent times, and has established itself as...

Miriam Prantl : Farben/Lichter/See / vorarlbergmuseum

Seit Dezember 2020. Guided by the light! The Vorarlberg artist Miriam Prantl has created the light installation "Colors/Lights/Lake" for the stairwell of the vorarlbergmuseum. The installation...

Österreichische Auslandskultur auf der Buch Wien 2021

10. – 14.11.2021. Bringing books to the world! Literature in particular has its own program dedicated to it in the BMEIA's Section for International Cultural Affairs. This...

100 Beste Plakate 20 (100 of the Best Posters): Germany Austria Switzerland / MAK...

17.11.2021 – 06.02.2022. The art of designing a poster! For the 16th time, the MAK - the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna is showing the...

Stadt Land Fluss: Fotografische Ortsuntersuchungen / Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg

29.10.2021 – 08.01.2022. Come Let's Play City Land River! The Galerie im Traklhaus dedicates its current exhibition both to the place itself and to the artistic...

Buch Wien 2021 / Wien

10. – 14.11.2021. Reading - a celebration! Books invite you to enter a world that exists in oneshead and touches the heart. At this year's Buch...

Margherita Spiluttini − Bilder der 1980er Jahre / Fotohof, Salzburg

05.10. – 13.11.2021. Life in the picture! Photography as an instrument! Next to Inge Morath, Margherita Spiluttini is considered the second grande dame of Austrian photography. The...


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