The best of all worlds? 20 years of the Kardinal König Art Prize /...

21.02.2025 – 08.04.2025After the Lentos Art Museum, Bildraum Bodensee is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the renowned Kardinal König Art Prize with an exhibition...

Simona Pavoni / Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz

24.01.2025 – 29.01.2025 Simona Pavoni discovered the rich tradition of embroidery in Austrian culture after her arrival in Graz as part of the Styria Artist-in-Residence...

ARVIDA BYSTRÖM – Who’s Your Daddy? / OK Linz

12.02.2025 – 25.05.2025The work of internationally recognised artist and photographer Arvida Byström has been shown in art exhibitions worldwide. Born in Sweden, she has...

BERWIENALE – Contemporary Art in Dialogue / Kulturforum Berlin

23.01.2025 – 26.02.2025Vienna and Berlin, two vibrant art metropolises, are at the centre of the exhibition. The show ‘BERWIENALE I Contemporary Art in Dialogue’,...

Gustav Klimt ‒ Pigment & Pixel / Unteres Belvedere, Vienna

20.02.2025 – 07.09.2025The exhibition also explores the question of how Klimt created his legendary golden paintings. How did he apply the gold to the...

New Documents refined – Paul Kranzler, Stefanie Moshammer, Seiichi Furuya / FOTOHOF, Salzburg

14.02.2025 – 05.04.2025The title of the exhibition is a reference to the famous exhibition ‘New Documents’ (Diane Arbus, Lee Friedlander and Gerry Winogrand, MOMA...

Stages of the bourgeoisie – A Styrian city-country party around 1900 / Museum für...

14.02.2025 – 02.11.2025 It is not a new phenomenon that people like to show and present themselves. Today, mainly in social media. Formerly in museums...

anderswo Festival 2025 / Orpheum Graz

07.02.2025 – 09.02.2025The festival of great images, journeys and adventures is once again fuelling adventure and wanderlust in 2025. For three days, the Orpheum...

SilvrettAtelier Montafon 2024 / Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis Bregenz

18.01.2025 – 02.03.2025 The mountain world of the Montafon Silvretta is not just breathtaking nature, it also provides the setting for an art project. Artists...

The Open House – Haus Schwarz in Weiz / Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Styria

19.01.2025 – 31.01.20252024 marks the tenth anniversary of Hannes Schwarz's death, and 2026 would be the 100th anniversary of his birth. These two commemorative...


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