Picture book days – Melanie Laibl / Hotel Sonnenburg, Lech, Vorarlberg
04.02.2024 – 06.02.2024
Melanie Laibl stellt sich in ihrem Lyrik-Bilderbuch „Wie ich die Welt mir träume“ eine Welt vor, in der die Natur den Ton...
Emil Breisach Literature Award Ceremony 2023 / Literaturhaus Graz
on 14.12.2023
The literary competition of the Graz Academy has been organised since 1994 and was founded by long-time president Emil Breisach; submissions are anonymous.The...
Heribert Friedl: 100 Poems / Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz, Styria
18.11.2023 – 06.01.2024
100 Poems by Feldbach-born Heribert Friedl originally emerged from a moment of existential grief. The poems, written in English and usually consisting...
Joonas Lahtinen – Love Letters / Kunstzelle vor dem Museumsquartier, Vienna
16.11.2023 – 31.12.2023
As part of Vienna Art Week 2023, the renowned artist Joonas Lahtinen presents his installation Love Letters - an installation with four...
DAS ANDERE RUSSLAND. Literature in times of war / Alte Schmiede, Vienna
24.11.2023 – 26.11.2023
The war in Ukraine has changed many things - not at least Russian literature. It should not be forgotten that the vehement...
Bodo Hell – Kunstschrift / Künstlerhaus, Graz
24.11.2023 – 03.12.2023
The exhibition curated by Melanie Brandstetter and Günther Oberhollenzer focuses on the interaction between text and image.While writing is usually only a...
peng ! 15. Krimifest Salzburg / Literaturhaus Salzburg
09.11.2023 – 11.11.2023
Once again, Salzburg is under the sign of the crime novel. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Krimifest, the Literaturhaus announced...
The Monomaniac Writer: Franz Rieger (1923–2005) / Stifterhaus, Linz
21.06.2023 – 23.05.2024
Franz Rieger was already fifty when he entered the wider public with his first novel in 1973.He continued to write monomaniacally and...
FAQ Bregenzerwald 23 / Bregenzerwald, Vorarlberg
07.09.2023 – 10.09. 2023
In the midst of the Bregenzerwald, the FAQ Bregenzerwald is once again about the big questions of our time - the...
Kinderkulturwoche 2023 / Linz, various locations
11.10. 2023 – 22.10. 2023
Bringing culture closer to children in a playful, creative way is no easy task, but all the more important -...