“34. Alpinale Short Film Festival” / Nenzing 2019, Vorarlberg

06.08. – 10.08.2019; Vorarlberg Short films in international competition: Alpinale presents the crème de la crème of short film. 250 hours. That's how long festival director...

“Linz International Short Film Festival” / Moviemento Linz

11.10. - 14.10.2018; Linz. Linz has a new film festival. The first of its kind in the capital city of Upper Austria. The Linz International Short...

“10. Krimifest” / Literaturhaus Salzburg

08.11. – 10.11.2018; Salzburg. The Literaturhaus Salzburg invites to a murderous game of literature. Comprising German-speaking as well as international authors, the aim of the festival...

“Viennale”– internationales filmfestival / Wien 2018

18.10. – 08.11.2018; Wien. Viennale, Vienna International Film Festival is, and remains, more than cinema.   Vienna’s iconic Film Festival is getting a new director: Eva Sangiorgi,...

“Crossroads” – documentary film festival and discourse / Graz 2018

31.10. - 11.11.2018; Graz. Addressing and overcoming challenges requires a lot of courage, let us not be intimidated.   Crossroads is an international festival for documentary films...

“Mountainfilm international filmfestival” / Graz

13.11. – 17.11.2018; Graz. The best stories form the mountains and nature films from all over the world at the mountain film festival   International Mountainfilm Festival...

“this human world” Human Rights Film Festival / Wien 2018

29.11. – 10.12.2018; Wien. Exit the comfort zone into the a direct dialogue about todays sociopolitical challenges  – Keyword: radicalisation.   The international film festival this human world...

“dotdotdot …” / Volkskundemuseum Wien

03.07. – 24.08.2018; Vienna. Barrier-free open-air cinema hits the spot: We’re in this together now! Just imagine, your bare toes dig through fresh grass, a gentle summer...

“DonauArt” / Linz

24.05. - 14.10.2018; Linz. "Everything flows!" DonauArt at Linz. The Danube shapes the flow of life in Linz. The large open spaces that can be found...

“Days of Architecture” / Salzburg 2018

08.06. – 09.06.2018; Salzburg. The future is better than its reputation. Open studios, houses and construction sites throughout Salzburg can be visited online via live streaming....


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