“Austrian Short Film Series 2019”

"Short films let us anticipate the future as it can be if we are not careful and the future that we could have if...

“creativeALPS” / ARGE Kultur, Salzburg

22.05.2019 - 24.05.2019; Salzburg. The myth of the alps: What better way to capture it than with films, discussions and music? The creativeALPS event series...

“Diagonale’19” / Graz

19.03.2019 - 24.03.2019; Graz The film program of this year‘s DIAGONALE in Graz unmasks the interplay between performance-ethos, populism and social decay. The festival trailer of...

“Crossing Europe Filmfestival 2019” / Linz

25.04. - 30.04.2019; Linz Permanent alert causes obedience to authorities. The Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz takes a look behind the facades of artificially created...

“KuKuRoots Film Festival” / Linz

28.03.2019-06.04.2019; Linz A journey to South Caucasus: The film and discussion evenings in Linz show developmentally important films. The discussion evenings in Linz, hosted by the...

“HUMAN VISION film festival” / Spielboden Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

19.03.2019-23.03.2019; Vorarlberg Das diesjährige HUMAN VISION film festival rückt Kinder- und Frauenrechte in den Fokus und zeigt Filme zum Thema. Das HUMAN VISION film festivals macht...

“NEXTCOMIC-Festival 2019” / Linz

14.3. - 23.03.2019; Linz Next stop Linz. The Nextcomic Festival celebrates its 10th birthday. The festival annually presents national and international comic book positions in Linz....

“Johann Lurf. Earth Series (with Laura Wagner) and Cavalcade” / Kunsthaus Graz

12.03. – 22.04.2019; Graz. The winner of the Diagonale Prize for Innovative Cinema in the Space03. Once again, in 2019, the Kunsthaus Graz is collaborating with...

“Kunstraum Steiermark 2018” / Neue Galerie Graz

07.12.2018 – 17.03.2019; Graz. Art with future potential: The Neue Galerie Graz presents works by art scholarship holders from the province of styria. The Cultural Resort...

“queerograd” – ZUHÖREN / KiG! Kultur in Graz

25.10. – 27.10. 2018; Graz. When listening becomes an ordeal. The festival queerograd at KIG! Kultur in Graz challenges the art of listening with 3 days...


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