Erzherzog Johann Museum. A life for progress / Erzherzog Johann Museum, Schloss Stainz, Styria

from 11.05.2024 Archduke Johann was one of the most influential figures in Styrian history. He also had a significant influence on the history in and...

tuten & blasen – Brass music in Vorarlberg / vorarlberg museum, Bregenz, Vorarlberg

18.05.2024 – 15.03.2025 Brass band music is an essential part of Austrian culture. There is hardly a reception, a milestone anniversary or a major celebration...

Schau mal / Theater im Kürbis, Wies, Styria

from 03.12.2023 The Kürbis Wies cultural initiative has developed a very special tradition: all artists who have taken part in an exhibition or an artist-in-residence...

Vienna. My history / Wien Museum

from 07.12.2023 The Wien Museum's new permanent exhibition is a must-see for anyone interested in history. It tells the story of Vienna from early...


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