100 best posters 23rd Germany Austria Switzerland /MAK Vienna

30.10.2024 – 16.03.2025 With the presentation of the competition 100 BEST POSTERS 23rd Germany Austria Switzerland, the MAK is once again the venue for excellent...

CARLONE CONTEMPORARY: Ugo Rondinone / Oberes Belvedere, Vienna

17.10.2024 – 30.03.2025 With his poetic and conceptual works, Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone creates meditative visual worlds into which visitors are immediately drawn. His minimalist...

GENERATOR #3: Queering Space! / Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Mönchsberg, Salzburg

11.10.2024 — 23.03.2025 The one-room exhibition Queering Space presents queer perspectives for discussion that also relate to the themes of the surrounding collection exhibition. What...

Hitler’s Executive – The Austrian Police and National Socialism / Graz Museum, Styria

03.10.2024 – 03.05.2025 The exhibition was created as part of the research project ‘The Police in Austria. Ruptures and Continuities 1938-1945’, initiated by the Federal...

Fascinating treasures – naturally collected / Naturkundemuseum, Graz

27.09.2024 - 01.02.2026 The collections of the Naturkundemuseum are home to outstanding scientific and cultural-historical artefacts. Since the Joanneum was founded in 1811, these collections...

5 VOR 12 – Outrageous resistance / OK Linz

from 17.09.2024 In 2021, an open competition was launched to create a work of art dedicated to women who resisted the Nazi regime. Initiated by...

Erwin Wurm – Retrospective on the occasion of his 70th birthday / Albertina Modern,...

13.09.2024 – 19.03.2025 Born in Styria, Erwin Wurm is today one of the most successful and best-known international contemporary artists. On the occasion of his...

KIM SIMONSSON – Moss People / Schlossmuseum Linz

19.09.2024 – 21.04.2025 With his spectacular installation in the Schlossmuseum's nature exhibition, Finnish artist Kim Simonsson presents the fantastic world of the Moss People -...

Arab-Jewish contacts / Jüdisches Museum Hohenems

29.09.2024 – 24.08.2025 The history of Arab-Jewish life goes back centuries, to the pre-Islamic tribal societies of Arabia. A long and contradictory history of relations...

The space in our heads. The Collections / Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Mönchsberg, Salzburg

13.09.2024 — 23.03.2025 The exhibition, which follows on thematically from the exhibition Räume öffnen! that opened in spring, is characterised by continuity and change. The...


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