Alfred Kubin – Aesthetics of Evil / Albertina, Vienna

14.08.2024 – 06.01.2025 The exhibition shows the predominant theme of Alfred Kubin's life and work - a view of the world of evil; the aesthetic...

LIOR GAL / Bildraum Studio, Vienna

16.07.2024 – 16.12.2024 In his work, Lior Gal questions traditional notions of belonging and geographical identity - primarily through the medium of photography. He also...

AUT NOW – 100 × Austrian Design for the 21st Century / MAK Vienna

18.09.2024 – 18.05.2025 The MAK exhibition AUT NOW. 100 × Austrian Design for the 21st Century provides a varied overview of the diversity and innovative...

Unmistakably Waldorf! / Neue Galerie Graz

12.07.2024 – 27.10.2024 Günter Waldorf (1924-2012), born Günter Stessl, was a widely known and influential figure in Styrian cultural life; for example, he was the...

DIGIDIC – Call for digital self-defence / Volkskundemuseum, Graz

06.07.024 – 03.11.2024 We live in fast-moving times - and the world is getting faster and faster; it is moving towards an absolute monopolisation of...

Suddenly begin in splendour. Rose English: Performance, Presence, Spectacle / Museum der Moderne Salzburg,...

05.07.2024 – 02.02.2025 It is the first comprehensive exhibition of the work of British artist Rose English in German-speaking countries. In the midst of conceptual...

Malcolm Poynter / OK Linz

27.06.2024 – 27.10.2024 Mit der aktuellen Ausstellung gibt das OK Einblick in die fantastische Skulpturen-Welt des englischen Bildhauers und Malers Malcolm Poynter. Geboren 1946 in...

Mapping the 60s – art stories from the mumok collections / mumok, Vienna

05.07.2024 – 01.02.2025 The 1960s continue to shape society today; Black Lives Matter or #MeToo, for example, are based on the anti-racist and feminist upheavals...

Animalia – The animals of Flavia Solva / Flavia Solva, Wagna, Styria

28.06.2024 - 20.06.2025 Flavia Solva, the only Roman city in present-day Styria, is one of the most important archaeological sites in Austria. The former extent...

Nina Hollein – Homecoming / Schlossmuseum Linz

24.05.2024 – 23.10.2024 It is a return to the place of her youth - the solo exhibition at the Schlossmuseum Linz.The New York-based architect Nina...


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