Gustav Klimt ‒ Pigment & Pixel / Unteres Belvedere, Vienna

20.02.2025 – 07.09.2025The exhibition also explores the question of how Klimt created his legendary golden paintings. How did he apply the gold to the...

New Documents refined – Paul Kranzler, Stefanie Moshammer, Seiichi Furuya / FOTOHOF, Salzburg

14.02.2025 – 05.04.2025The title of the exhibition is a reference to the famous exhibition ‘New Documents’ (Diane Arbus, Lee Friedlander and Gerry Winogrand, MOMA...

Stages of the bourgeoisie – A Styrian city-country party around 1900 / Museum für...

14.02.2025 – 02.11.2025 It is not a new phenomenon that people like to show and present themselves. Today, mainly in social media. Formerly in museums...

Wax in his hands – Daniel Neuberger’s art of deception/ Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

11.02.2025 – 09.06.2025 Wax in his hands. Daniel Neuberger's Art of Deception focuses on a medium of art that is little recognised today - that...

Ragnar Axelsson – „Arctic Heroes“ / Leica Galerie, Salzburg

05.02.2025 - 05.04.2025 The exhibition is a tribute to the sled dogs, who for Axelsson are the true heroes of the north. His photographs show...

Precious Okoyomon – ONE EITHER LOVES ONESELF OR KNOWS ONESELF / KuB – Kunsthaus...

01.02.2025 – 25.05.2025Okoyomon's works move between art, poetry and performance. They deal with identity, colonial history, spirituality and the relationship of people to things...

Sissa Micheli & Kathrin Isabell Rhomberg / Galerie, Salzburg

25.01.2025 – 22.03.2025 The 2025 exhibition programme at Galerie in Salzburg begins with two new artists. Sissa Micheli, who stages performative stagings of real...

Werner Kofler: From the Desk / Stifterhaus, Linz

until 12.06.2025The exhibition ‘Werner Kofler: From the Desk’ uses materials from the estate to attempt to capture a writing process in moments and visualise...

Kafka: Metamorphosis of an Author / Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv

until 15.06.2025 To mark the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death, the National Library of Israel is displaying for the first time original pieces from...

LUKA BERCHTOLD | Make Room for Lisa / Bildraum 01, Vienna

24.01.2025 – 13.03.2025Luka Berchtold's current exhibition opens up insights into social and personal depths in the field of tension between tenderness and intimacy, authority...


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