“brut Saisoneröffnung 2017/18” / Vienna

Saisoneröffnung 2017/2018; Vienna. The Künstlerhaus am Karlsplatz is being redeveloped but this cannot stop Kira Kirsch and her team. They conquer public places and venues throughout...

“Wir Kinder der Toten: Heimat und Horror bei Elfriede Jelinek- Literatursymposium” / Literaturhaus Graz

19.10. – 21.10.2017; Literaturhaus Graz Wir Kinder der Toten: Heimat und Horror bei Elfriede Jelinek- Literatursymposium. The 1995 novel “The Children of the Dead” by Elfriede...

“What would Ted Kaczynski’s daughter do…?“ / Ars Electronica Linz

Ab 21.06.2017; Ars Electronica Linz. What would Ted Kaczynski’s daughter do…? At the Marianne.von.Willemer-Award 2016, Kathrin Stumreich convinced the jury with her character Crystal Tesla due...

“FAQ Bregenzerwald” / Vorarlberg 2017

07.09 – 10.09.2017; Bregenzerwald. FAQ – Bregenzerwald is a forum in festival-style that caters to gourmands’ needs and deals with “Frequently Asked Questions”. The answers to...

“Abstract Hungary”/ Graz

24.06. – 07.09.2017; Graz. The curators Sandro Droschl and Áron Fenyvesi venture on a survey of contemporary Hungarian art in the exhibition “Abstract Hungary”. Not only...

“ARS ELECTRONICA Festival” / Linz 2017

07.09. – 11.09.2017; Linz. Artificial Intelligence - The other me. What are we to make of artificial intelligence? Gigantic job eliminator? Or the next step...

“Do it Yourself! Europe.” / Linz

25.04.2017; Ursulinensaal Linz. Overcoming fears is the focus of this year’s Crossing Europe festival. Film giant Ingmar Bergmann once summed it up as, “There are no...


22.06. – 24.06.2017; Vienna. Contemporary visual art enters into a dialogue with fashion, theory and consumption in a globalised world. On 400 square metres international artists...

“Museum der Moderne” / Salzburg

07.04. - 24.09.2017; Salzburg. Museum der Moderne. The spring exhibition at the Rupertinum is dedicated to the recently deceased Austrian sculptor Roland Goeschl. The curators Barbara...

“5 Jahre La’Do Club” / Linz

01.06.2017; Linz. In cooperation with the Bar Solaris, the club evenings at the OÖ Kulturquartier not only invite to exciting talks on the OK Deck...


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