“grazERZÄHLT” Storytellingfestival, Graz
24.05.2019 - 23.06.2019; Graz
Folke Tegetthoff's International Storytelling Festival stops by in Graz.
Tell, listen and be heard. This is the aim of the international storytelling...
“NEXTCOMIC-Festival 2019” / Linz
14.3. - 23.03.2019; Linz
Next stop Linz. The Nextcomic Festival celebrates its 10th birthday.
The festival annually presents national and international comic book positions in Linz....
“PrivacyWeek – generations” / Volkskundemuseum Wien 2018
22. – 28.10.2018; Wien.
The right to privacy is a fundamental human right
A right which is eroding continually. A few years ago Chaos Computer Club Wien,...
“Susanne Schuda. OONP, The Office Of Nothing Personal” / studio, Neue Galerie Graz
08.09. – 21.10.2018; Graz.
The subconscious is collective and therefore… nothing personal, so let's have a look!
From the beginning until 2010, the studio of the...
“brut season start 2018/19” / Vienna
Ab 11.10.2018; Wien.
brut opens the saison! Gin Müller, irreality.tv, Nesterval, Claire Lefèvre, Fanni Futterknecht, Simon Mayer, Die Rabtaldirndln u.v.m. are waiting for you.
Also this...
“Take The A-Train” / Salzburg 2018
13. – 16.09.2018; Salzburg.
A flamboyant jazz festival at and around the main station Salzburg.
The international jazz festival"Take the A-Train" features unusual venues around the train station...
“dotdotdot …” / Volkskundemuseum Wien
03.07. – 24.08.2018; Vienna.
Barrier-free open-air cinema hits the spot: We’re in this together now!
Just imagine, your bare toes dig through fresh grass, a gentle summer...
“Glaube Liebe Hoffnung – 800 Jahre Diözese Graz-Seckau” / Kunsthaus Graz
13.04. – 26.08.2018; Graz.
Verbindung zwischen Kunst und Kirche im Kunsthaus Graz.
Diözese Graz-Seckau is celebrating its anniversary with an unusual project that combines contemporary art...
“man stelle stelle sich vor: Sille” / OÖ Kunstverein
31.05. – 27.06.2018; Linz.
"Silence" dramaturgically used.
Silence as a dramaturgically used stylistic device in music, theatre and film; as a pause in a conversation with...
“Creative Robotics” / Ars Electronica Center; Linz
09.05. – 30.06.2018; Linz.
Creative Robotics.
Robots misused by creative minds from architecture, art and design: Can industrial robots be used to create fashion design? What does a...