Verfolgt. Verlobt. Verheiratet. Scheinehen ins Exil / Frauenmuseum Hitisau, Vorarlberg
06.03. – 30.10.2022.
When a marriage is the lifesaver!
In March 1938, a race against time began for Austrian Jews. Some Viennese Jewish women saved themselves...
6. Human Vision Film Festival / Spielboden Dornbirn, Vorarlberg
06. – 12.03.2022.
"Equality" as the basis for a compassionate and dignified coexistence!
In 2022, Vorarlberg will once again be the venue for a festival that...
Anderswo Festival / Orpheum, Graz
04. – 06.02.2022.
Big pictures - big travels - big adventures!
Follow journeys to the Andes, Madagascar, magical Central Asia and the Rocky Mountains in big...
Digital Exhibitions at the vorarlbergmuseum / Online
You can always go to the museum!
The Vorarlberg Museum has made provisions - be it the collection or insights into life in Vorarlberg yesterday...
Hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette … / GrazMuseum, Graz
11.11.2021 – 31.07.2022.
Cycling through Graz and time!
Graz is a bicycle city! But what makes the city a bicycle city? The cyclists? The bicycle production?...
Wintergarten im MQ / MQ – Museumsquartier, Wien
04.11.2021 – 09.01.2022.
Der Winterhimmel spannt sich über den Hof und er wird zum Wintergarten! Mit Kunstprojekten für das Auge und das Ohr präsentiert sich...
This Human World 2021 / Online, Vienna
06. – 12.12.2021.
For humanity in our human world!
This year the International Human Rights Film Festival will take place in Vienna for the 14th time.
ORF – Lange Nacht der Museen (Long Night of Museums)
Night at the Museum!
For the 21st time, the ORF - Long Night of Museums takes place throughout Austria.
Museums and galleries in all federal provinces...
Linz Kulturcard 365
Linz - Cultural Capital of Europe has had a lasting impact. The introduction of the Linz Kulturcard 365, which allows admission to 11 museums...
Volkmar Klien: Anschwellen – Abschwellen (Swelling – Decongestion) / Oberes Belvedere, Wien
29.09.2021 - 6.02.2022.
The sound takes up space - like the peacock wheel rises. And in the same way it disappears again.
Volkmar Klien has always...