Emsiana / Hohenems, Vorarlberg

12. – 15.05.2022. Looking beyond the borders and building bridges! The theme of this year's Hohenems Cultural Festival is "Neighborhoods".In doing so, Hohenems looks at its...

Use what you have Festival / Klarenburgfabrik, Vorarlberg

21. – 22.05.2022. Use what you have! The association Die Fabrikanten organizes again the USE WHAT YOU HAVE Festival at the factory area of Fabrik Klarenbrunn. Together...

Linz Bubble Days / Linzer Hafen

03. – 04.06.2022. The somewhat different harbour festival is back! For the tenth anniversary, a unique happening is on offer, with lots of action & extreme...

Graz erzählt – The International Storytelling Festival

27.05. – 06.06.2022. Once upon a time ... Es war einmal … Folke Tegetthoff's International Storytelling Festival makes a stop in Graz where stories are told...

83 Zeichen sind ein Zeichen (83 characters are a sign) / Online, Linz

08.03. – 31.12.2022. "The people, not the houses, make the city" (Pericles). In 2022, Linz is all about women. On the occasion of International Women's Day,...

Fight the Right / Arge Salzburg

09. – 13.03.2022. Anti-fascist actionism against the right! In the thematic focus FIGHT THE RIGHT, Arge Salzburg faces the questions: What is fascism? What is anti-fascism?...

Culture is the overcoming of barbarism

Law, and in particular international law, is a cultural achievement of mankind. It creates the foundation on which people have the possibility, at least in...

The Golden Pixel Cooperative: Indications / Kunsthaus Graz

05. – 18.04.2022. Indications of a co-operation! With the film "Half of the Sky" The Golden Pixel Cooperative won the Diagonale Prize Innovative Cinema of the...

Austrian Brand Stories / Designforum Steiermark, Graz

04.03. – 30.04.2022. Background stories of Austrian cult brands. Brands play a significant role in shaping the cultural environment. They are an integral part of the...

Serious Fun: Architektur & Spiele / Az W – Architekturzentrum Wien

17.03. – 05.09.2022. Who participates in a game, becomes part of the game himself! The exhibition "Serious Fun" at the Architekturzentrum Wien presents architectural games and...


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