“Upper Austrian Relations to the Bauhaus” / Landesgalerie Linz

18.05. – 27.08.2017; Landesgalerie Linz. The Bauhaus-Movement has also left its mark in Upper Austria. An exhibition at the Landesgalerie Linz examines its impact. From its...

“Europa der Muttersprachen 2017: Ukraine” / Salzburg

19.04. – 30.07.2017; Salzburg. Europa der Muttersprachen 2017: Ukraine. Based on an idea by the head of the Literaturhaus, Thomas Friedman, this festival has been organized...

“play! – Translocal: Museum as Toolbox” / Kunsthaus Graz

27.09. – 29.10.2017; Kunsthaus Graz. Play! – Translocal: Museum as Toolbox. A toolbox for museum visions: groups in Bolzano, Lodz, Zagreb, Tallin, and Graz have been...

“Austria. Photography 1970–2000” / Museum der Moderne Salzburg

10.03 – 01.07.2018; Salzburg. Austria in the focus of the domestic lens. From the 1970s, Austrian photographers began increasingly to question their own country, their cultural...

“Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts” / 2018

16.07. – 25.08.2018; Salzburg. Transcending borders. Art in itself is extremely diverse! - The range of courses is therefore also very broad. Courses are available in...

Artist-Duo RESANITA: “Ironic City Guerilleras”

The artist duo Resa Pernthaller and Anita Fuchs, otherwise known as RESANITA regularly spice up the urban space of Graz with their subtile- humorous...

Copy.Paste.Art – Oliver Laric

Native to Innsbruck, artist Oliver Laric, 34, is one of the most internationally acclaimed and discussed artists of his generation. His initial rise to fame...


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