“Creative Walk” / Salzburg

Discover contemporary art in Salzburg on foot on the Creative Walk. Hidden treasures and works of art worth seeing can be found on the route...

“sicht:wechsel Integratives Kulturfestival” / Linz

03.06.2019 - 07.06.2019; Linz Together for a new inclusive self-image. Under the motto "Departure into a new self-confidence", artists from various nations together with local ensembles,...

“Young Art in Vorarlberg”

Strong contrasts. Young art from Vorarlberg. Making young art visible in public spaces – that is the intention of the Young Art Generation, which will...

“Studio Neue Galerie” / Graz

With both legs firmly in the sky. The studio series of Neue-Galerie Graz presents artists with a future. Graz is a good base for young...

“Walk of Modern Art” / Salzburg

Fibonacci Integrated. Salzburg's art in public spaces as a sequence of numbers. Safety distance can open new perspectives. Apart from guided tours and tourist crowds,...

“Compass – Navigating the Future” / Ars Electronica Center, Linz

27.05.2019 - 07.07.2019; Linz Navigating the digital space and the question of who holds the helm in his hands. Artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics and...

“Vor Ort. Fotografie aus Salzburg” / Fotohof

07.06.2019 - 27.07.2019 Young Salzburg's photo scene shows its potential at Fotohof. This exhibition shows the multi-faceted creative work of 16 photographers VOR ORT (on site). Works...

“Peles Empire. The Sky Opens Twice” / Künstlerhaus Graz

29.06.2019 - 05.09.2019; Graz An artist collective that connects spaces and thereby creates something new. The Berlin artist collective Peles Empire has been dealing with the...

“La Strada” / Graz 2019

26.07.2019 - 03.08.2019; Graz United in diversity. La Strada, the festival for street art in Graz makes visible: there is room for everyone Blinkers or solidarity?...

“Vienna Biennale 2019” / Vienna

29.05.2019 - 06.10.2019; Vienna Brave new values. Vienna Biennale explores the digital future between utopias and dystopias. In the next years artificial intelligence will change our...


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