“Andy Warhol to Cindy Sherman. Amerikanische Kunst aus der Albertina” / Schlossmuseum Linz
19.11.2019 - 29.03.2020; Linz.
The power of pictures for the image of a nation.
Our view of the USA is shaped by pictures of the entertainment...
“Young at art – Zeig uns dein Talent! Edition 2019” / Landesmuseum Linz
21.11.2019 – 24.01.2020; Linz.
Young artists show what they have got in them!
The special exhibition will feature works by young talents between the ages of...
“LINZER KUNSTSALON with Design Salon” / Landesgalerie Linz
28.09.2019 – 29.09.2019, Linz.
Linz Art Salon turns 20!
Since 1999, the Landesgalerie Linz has opened its doors once a year to galleries and art associations...
“Kommt ein Mausbär in die Villa/When a mouse bear comes into the villa –...
27.09.2019 - 27.10.2019; Vorarlberg.
What does the mouse bear do in the villa?
In her exhibition, Cäcilia Falk shows oil paintings and works on paper that...
“Retrospective Alfred Klinkan'” / Neue Galerie Graz
27.10.2019 - 12.01.2020; Graz.
Wilfried Skreiner, pioneer of the "New Painting" movement in Austria, at the time Director of the Neue Galerie and the provocative...
“VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2019” / Althan Quartier, Vienna
27.09.2019 - 06.10.2019; Vienna.
Design is all around!
Design is not only an elementary part of our everyday life, but far beyond being an aesthetic contribution...
“Alexander Brener and Barbara Schurz” / Bruseum Graz
20.09.2019 – 19.01.2020; Graz.
The artists’ duo Brener & Schurz has repeatedly taken as a theme the power strategies and mechanisms of exclusion employed in...
“Ingmar Alge” / Galerie allerArt, Bludenz
20.09.2019 - 09.11.2019; Bludenz.
Instead of "What do I see?" Alge asks "What do I want to see?"
In the exhibition in Bludenz, Ingmar Alge presents...
steirischer herbst ’19 / Graz
19.09. - 13.10.2019, Graz.
On the precipice of comfort zones. The steirischer herbst takes hedonistic intellectuals to task.
Ekaterina Degot peers into the abyss. With this...
“Peggy Buth: Vom Nutzen der Angst – The Politics of Selection” / Camera Austria,...
13.09.2019 - 17.11.2019; Graz.
Life on the edge: photographs of urban spaces where social considerations make room to economics.
The Berlin artist Peggy Buth directs her...