Anna Boghiguian / Museum der Moderne Salzburg

26.07. - 04.11.2018; Salzburg. Trade routes, slavery and the consequences on cotton sails. Sabine Breitwieser, curator of the exhibition, presents works of Anna Boghiguian. The Egyptian-Canadian...

“dotdotdot …” / Volkskundemuseum Wien

03.07. – 24.08.2018; Vienna. Barrier-free open-air cinema hits the spot: We’re in this together now! Just imagine, your bare toes dig through fresh grass, a gentle summer...

“Herbert Meusburger” / Bregenz

14.07. – 16.09.2018; Vorarlberg. Herbert Meusburger Separate and connect – a recurring theme in the works of the sculptor. Not only in a symbolic sense but...

“theatrum mundi” / esc medien kunst labor Graz

23.06. - 25.09.2018 | 28.07. – 29.08.2018 | 28.07. - 09.08.2018; Graz Exhibition project theatrum mundi by Niki Passath. The exhibition project theatrum mundi addresses questions on the...

“Katharina Gruzei” & “Nilbar Güres” / Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz

15.06. – 19.08.2018 | 15.06. – 10.09.2018; Linz. Katharina Gruzei: Bodies of Work. | Nilbar Güres: Stereotypes Frauenbild. Carinthian artist Katharina Gruzei examines the subject of work in the form...

(empty) space – of life, of desperation / Galerie 5020 Salzburg

14.06. – 21.07.2018; Salzburg. Your smile is like a breath of spring Your voice is soft like summer rain And I cannot compete with you Jolene … (DollyParton, 1973) '(empty)...

“Alphabet of life – Lernwerkstatt Natur” / Vorarlberg

23.06. – 06.10.2018, Vorarlberg. How does nature do it? The alphabet of life is both an exhibition in the form of a nature trail and a...

“Inge Dick” / FOTOHOF

22.06. – 04.08.2018; Salzburg. licht weiss. The projects of Inge Dick rank among the most excellent positions of the experimental photography and film work of today....

“Between Wartimes” / Landesmuseum & Lentos; Linz

07.02.2018 - 13.01.2019; Linz. 18/38/68/18 – The Oberösterreichische Landesmuseum portrays the time. Linz museums are investigating turning times of history. This year Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum has set the bar...

“Im Bett – Episoden einer Zuflucht” / Volkskundemuseum; Graz

30.06. – 30.12.2018; Graz. What do people do in bed? Our beds are a place where we spend a lot of time and to which we entrust...


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