“Werner Otte and his influence on the graphic arts scene in Salzburg” / Traklhaus,...

31.10.2019 - 07.12.2019; Salzburg. Werner Otte and his circles graphic art prints legacy to Salzburg. In the large room of the Traklhaus, prints by Werner Otte...

“Bruno Gironcoli – Casted Enigma” / Kunstraum Dornbirn

25.10.2019 – 02.02.2020; Dornbirn, Vorarlberg. Casted Enigma: Bronze cast mystery! The exhibition in the Kunstraum Dornbirn shows mainly monumental sculptures of the Austrian artist, who died...

“Johanna Binder” / Salzburger Kunstverein

19.10.2019 – 01.12.2019; Salzburg. Who are you? Who am I? A poetic unmasking. In this exhibition, the Salzburg-born artist Johanna Binder, who lives in Vienna, shows...

“Raphaela Vogel: Bellend bin ich aufgewacht” / Kunsthaus Bregenz

19.10.2019 – 06.01.2020; Vorarlberg. The exhibition "Bellend bin ich aufgewacht" ("Barking, I woke up") by Raphaela Vogel literally gets under your skin! Raphaela Vogel combines space-consuming...

“Dämonische Verführung. Alfred Kubins Portrayals of Women” / Landesgalerie Linz

17.10.2019 -19.01.2020; Linz. Demonic seduction and deception. At the same time as the exhibition "La Bohème - Toulouse-Lautrec and the Masters of Montmartre", demonic seductresses of...

“Birgit Pleschberger / Bostjan Drinovec – changing pictures” / Museumspavillon Mirabellgarten

17.10.2019 - 04.12.2019; Salzburg. Everything changes, why not drawings? The title of the exhibition at the Museumspavillon Salzburg refers to changing manifestations of drawings that Birgit...

“LA BOHÈME” / Landesgalerie Linz

16.10.2019 – 19.01.2020, Linz. Toulouse-Lautrec and the masters of Montmartre. The exhibition at the Landesgalerie Linz presents the entire lithographic poster work of Toulouse-Lautrec in juxtaposition...

“Nothing Less! 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage” / Austrian Cultural Forum London

10.10.2019 - 31.01.2020. London. 100 years of women's suffrage in Austria. Nothing Less! 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage is an exhibition that questions what constitutes women’s...

“brut Saison launch 2019/20” / Vienna

05.10.2019, Vienna. brut Wien starts the new season with a dazzling artistic array. Once again brut Wien will present New Art on Stage all over Vienna in the...

“be my guest” Life is not only Black or White / Stadtgalerie Lehen, Salzburg

04.10.2019 - 06.11.2019; Salzburg. International guest artists in colaboration with Salzburg artists. The exhibition format "be my guest" tells about coming, going and connecting. Salzburg artists...


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