“Von Brot, Wein, Autos, Sicherheit und Frieden” / Kunsthalle Wien

Reopening 29.05. until 04.10.2020. The Kunsthalle Wien is presenting an exhibition entitled "Von Brot, Wein, Autos, Sicherheit und Frieden". The show obviously questions the...

Eva Grubinger “Malady of the Infinite” / Belvedere 21

Reopening 01.06. until 06.01.2021. An exhibition at Belvedere 21 is dedicated to the work of Eva Grubinger. Basic drives are Grubinger's theme: power, material...

Josef Bauer / Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz

From 02.06. until 04.10.2020. The Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz is showing Josef Bauer and his work in an exhibition. Bauer's works revolve around a unique...

“Jakob Lena Knebl” / LENTOS Linz

Reopening 02.06. - 09.08.2020, Linz. In her contemporary works the artist Jakob Lena Knebl combines the language of fashion with art historical argumentation. Jakob Lena Knebl...

Henrik Eiben “The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder“ / Galerie Nikolaus Ruzicska

reopened, until 12.06.2020. The Ruzicska Gallery in Salzburg will be showing works by the artist Henrik Eiben from 29.04. Born in Tokyo and living...

“Into the Night – Die Avantgarde im Nachtcafé / Unteres Belvedere Wien

Reopening 15.05. until 01.06.2020"Into the Night" is dedicated to cabarets, cafés and clubs and tells of the artistic nightlife in the period from the...

“Human by Design” / MAK Wien

Reopening 01.06.2020 until 07.06.2020. The exhibition HUMAN BY DESIGN presents innovative strategies with which design responds to the challenges of today's society - such...

“Sitzen 69, Revisited” / MAK Wien

Reopening 01.06.2020 until 23.08.2020. In the exhibition "SITZEN 69 REVISITED", the MAK juxtaposes colourful, trendy furniture and design icons such as Werner Panton's Panton Chair...

“Bugholz, vielschichtig” / MAK Wien

Reopening 01.06.2020 until 06.09.2020. On the occasion of the 200-year anniversary of the world-famous company Thonet, the MAK invites you to take a journey through...

Otto Prutscher / MAK

Reopening on 01.06.2020 until 11.10.2020 An exhibition at the MAK is dedicated to Otto Prutscher - the old designer of Viennese Modernism. Prutscher was an...


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