KERAMISCHE VISIONEN – The collection of the ‘Österreichische Galerie für Keramik’ / Gmundner Keramik,...

03.04.2025 – 01.06.2025 Heide Warlamis founded the ‘Austrian Gallery for Ceramics’ in 1981 at a time characterised by change in art. Works by established artists...

Edith Hofer – A ROSE IS A LILY IS A BUNNY IS A… /...

29.03.2025 – 03.05.2025The exhibition presents works, watercolours on laid paper, objects and spatial installations made of plush and velvet by Vorarlberg artist Edith Hofer....

Structures and Emotions / AG18 Gallery, Vienna

04.04.2025 – 17.05.2025Structures give us stability and orientation. However, structures can also restrict and limit us, blocking development and freedom. Emotions tell us what...

PASSION – The Simacek Collection / Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna

07.05.2025 – 01.06.2025 The title of the show says it all. Simacek is part of an important tradition of strong women such as Berta Zuckerkandl,...

Expectations. The game can start. / Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz

26.04.2025 – 31.05.2025 With its wide range of artistic forms of expression, the exhibition at Schaumbad, curated by Marlies Schöck, makes us realise how multi-layered...

WEDDING & NATURE / Sumerauerhof St. Florian, Upper Austria

28.04.2025 – 26.10.2025 Gifts of love, wedding furniture, bridal presents ... Evidence of customs and rituals surrounding the most important day in life are at...

Remix – From Gerhard Richter to Katharina Grosse / Albertina Modern, Vienna

07.04.2025 – 07.09.2025 The exhibition offers an overview from Gerhard Richter and Sigmar Polke, who stand for the socially critical art of the 1960s, through...

Demokratie, heast! / Graz Museum, Styria

03.04.2025 – 30.08.2026Active debate and dialogue are the basis on which democratic coexistence is constantly redefined. We live democracy every day - in the...

PRZEMYSŁAW BLEJZYK (SAINER) – Kolorganism / Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna

17.04.2025 – 29.04.2025 The Künstlerhaus is showing a solo exhibition by Przemek Blejzyk, alias Sainer, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland....

Gerhard Rühm – still now / Neue Galerie Graz

11.04.2025 – 05.10.2025Gerhard Rühm celebrates his 95th birthday in 2025. The poet, playwright, draughtsman, painter, collagist, conceptualist, performer, composer, musician and interpreter of his...


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